In 2024, achieving pay equity is not just a goal but a necessity. Compensation professionals face growing pressure to ensure fairness and transparency in pay practices amid changing regulations and heightened employee expectations. To shed light on this issue, industry leaders Alan Miegel, CEO and Co-founder of BetterComp, Tom McMullen, Senior Client Partner at Korn Ferry, and Glizcel Ditto, Executive Director of Solutions & Strategic Consultant at HRSoft held a webinar focused on this topic. 

Traditionally, compensation processes operated in separate silos, with market pricing and compensation planning treated as distinct entities. However, as organizations strive for pay equity, there’s a realization that breaking down these barriers is essential for a comprehensive perspective.

The webinar highlighted several key insights into how compensation professionals can leverage data to bridge the gap between market pricing and compensation planning:

  1. Understanding the Compensation Lifecycle: The compensation lifecycle encompasses various stages, from survey participation and market pricing to compensation planning and implementation. By viewing these stages as interconnected components of a continuous process, organizations can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their compensation strategies.
  2. Embracing Data Integration: Integrating data from multiple sources, including market surveys, internal benchmarks, and performance metrics, enables compensation professionals to gain deeper insights into pay practices. By leveraging advanced analytics and technology solutions, organizations can identify disparities and trends that may impact pay equity.
  3. Fostering Collaboration Across Functions: Achieving pay equity requires collaboration across HR, finance, and other departments within an organization. By breaking down silos and fostering cross-functional collaboration, organizations can align compensation practices with broader business objectives and values.
  4. Adopting a Proactive Approach to Compliance: In an era of heightened regulatory scrutiny, proactive compliance measures are essential for mitigating legal and reputational risks. By leveraging data-driven tools and methodologies, organizations can identify potential compliance issues and take preemptive action to address them.
  5. Driving Organizational Change: Achieving pay equity is not merely a checkbox exercise; it requires a fundamental shift in organizational culture and mindset. By fostering a culture of transparency, accountability, and fairness, organizations can create an inclusive work environment where all employees feel valued and respected.

By embracing innovation and collaboration, organizations can pave the way towards a more equitable future for all employees. Let’s work together to create a fair and inclusive workplace for all employees. Contact HRSoft to discover how we can help you break free of the siloed approach to compensation planning and market pricing.