the Value of Employment

Create interactive and dynamic statements that give employees a full breakdown of compensation, bonuses, long-term incentive programs and benefits with HRSoft’s total rewards communication software.
Total Rewards Communication

Highlight Employee Rewards in One Platform

Communicate all components of your total rewards and compensation programs in a single, accessible platform.

HRSoft helps enhance your employees’ appreciation and understanding of their packages by showcasing the full value of their employment.


Allow Employees to Provide Their Input

Transform the total rewards communication process into a dynamic dialogue by collecting employee feedback directly through HRSoft.

Ensure a two-way communication that enhances employee engagement and satisfaction.


Access Total Rewards Anytime, Anywhere

Keep your employees informed and engaged with an accessible, fully responsive online experience. 

With HRSoft, users can access their total rewards information at any time, from any location, and on any device.


Tailor Every Touchpoint & Build Brand Consistency

Align HRSoft's look and feel with your organization's DNA and culture.

Tailor the visual design, language and branding to ensure every employee touchpoint reflects your corporate communication strategy.


Inform Employees of Their Benefits & Compensation

Enhance your employees' understanding of their total rewards programs by incorporating integrated content and links within HRSoft. 

Provide easy access to detailed explanations, resources and additional information about the various benefits and compensation components employees receive.


Protect Sensitive Data for Every User

Robust security protocols and a cloud-based infrastructure ensure the highest level of security for users while adhering to GDPR compliance.

HRSoft employs advanced encryption methods, multi-factor authentication and continuous monitoring to safeguard sensitive employee data.


Empower Stakeholders with Actionable Insights

Provide administrators, HR professionals and managers with enhanced tools and insights to better understand and communicate the total rewards programs to their teams.

HRSoft equips key stakeholders with intuitive dashboards, detailed analytics and comprehensive reporting capabilities.


Consolidate Compensation Data with Ease

Leverage our suite of standard APIs and manual file feeds for seamless data consolidation to ensure comprehensive data availability.

With your data all in one place, you can make informed decisions and accurate reports while efficiently managing employee compensation.

Related Resources

Simplify Complex Compensation Strategies

Give your team the tools they need to make better compensation decisions from day one.

Frequently Asked Questions

Total rewards are a strategy that combines everything organizations give to employees–including direct and indirect compensation–when workers meet specific business goals. Direct compensation includes monetary payments, such as salary and wages. Indirect compensation involves non-cash benefits that have an indirect monetary value, like health insurance and paid leave. It can also involve perks such as flexible working schedules, career development opportunities and recognition for their performance.
Total rewards are essential to organizations because they help to hire and retain top talent. Studies have shown organizations that offer total rewards programs boost employee performance and satisfaction. And organizations can differentiate themselves by highlighting the full value of their workers’ employment, including direct and indirect compensation. Employees are also more likely to be engaged and want to stay with the organization because they feel valued for their contributions.
Total rewards communication software is a dedicated solution that allows an organization to share online or printed statements with employees. The statements contain information about an employee’s total rewards, including their compensation, benefits and other rewards. The purpose is to provide consistent and timely updates about an employee’s total rewards to help increase motivation and loyalty.
Total rewards are often broken down into five components: wages and salaries, benefits, work-life balance, recognition for performance, and career development. Benefits can include health insurance, paid time off, and retirement plan contributions. Work-life balance may involve flexible scheduling, wellness programs and financial counseling.