Boost Employee Performance Throughout Your Organization

Incentivize your employees to meet their goals with pay-for-performance software that connects performance to compensation. HRSoft ensures cross-functionality and intelligent data management, allowing you to test processes and reinforce company standards.
Pay-for-Performance Software

Optimize Commission Calculations

HRSoft's calculation engine automates commission calculations based on predefined structures, reducing errors and manual effort in payroll processing.

Enhance the accuracy of your sales commissions and variable incentives while saving time for your HR team so they can focus on more strategic tasks.


Gain Visibility Into Variable Pay Calculations

Provide new levels of transparency to variable pay calculations by clearly communicating how and why employees are compensated.

HRSoft offers detailed breakdowns of how variable pay is calculated and outlines the factors and criteria involved.

Make Compensation Data More Accessible

Make Compensation Data More Accessible

Empower your team with self-service tools that help manage plan updates, overrides and detailed breakdowns of compensation data.

By streamlining daily administrative tasks for HR, finance and executive teams, they can access and manage compensation information more easily. The result is smoother operations and improved decision-making processes.


Leverage Software That Evolves with Your Needs

Continue to evolve your compensation programs with HRSoft's scalable, low-code no-code platform.

We continuously update our compensation management software so your team can make iterative improvements, implement changes swiftly and customize solutions without extensive coding knowledge.

Related Resources

Simplify Complex Compensation Strategies

Give your team the tools they need to make better compensation decisions from day one.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pay-for-performance plans are a kind of pay strategy where an employee is compensated based on their individual performance and the organization’s overall performance. The better the performance, the higher the reward. A pay-for-performance plan typically involves clear objectives, a comprehensive performance process and software to keep track of performance.
The pay-for-performance model incentivizes employees to meet their performance goals by offering a monetary reward, such as a spot bonus. Some models involve benchmarks so that employees earn a higher reward as they reach certain goals. A pay-for-performance model often includes evaluation forms, clear communication, and ongoing coaching and training.
Performance management is a tool corporations leverage to make sure goals are met efficiently and effectively. For example, managers use performance management to measure employees’ performance. In addition, managers provide frequent feedback and communication to help employees reach their goals.
Performance management systems are necessary because they help organizations meet their goals. Organizations can reach their objectives when employees, resources, and systems are properly aligned. But to accomplish this, managers need to communicate the goals to employees so everyone knows their part in the process.
The performance management process is the system in which a manager and employee collaborate to determine how the employee’s objectives contribute to the organization’s overall goals. The process includes planning, tracking and assessing the employee’s work goals. Through this approach, the employee feels empowered and engaged with their work.
To successfully introduce a performance management system to an organization, start from the top down. First, educate your managers about the system’s purpose and tell them when to expect the rollout to employees. Then inform employees about the solution and explain how it benefits them. Throughout this process, make sure to allow for questions and concerns so you can adequately address them before rollout.
Performance management software is a solution that aims to boost an organization’s performance by fostering employee productivity. It allows teams to manage feedback, goals and performance collaboratively. The result is that employees feel valued and heard, which drives engagement and productivity.
Performance management is important because it helps organizations remain profitable and retain employees. An organization can only meet its goals and objectives when employees are on the same page and work together to achieve desired outcomes. That’s why organizations incentivize employees to meet their individual goals. And when employees are recognized for their hard work, they are happier and more engaged, which increases the likelihood of them staying with the organization.
There are various methods for measuring performance management: a numeric rating system, self-evaluations and peer reviews. Implementing a numeric rating system gives managers and employees an easy way to score how an employee is performing. Self-evaluations allow employees to reflect on their individual performance. And peer reviews give insight into how fellow workers view an employee’s performance.